The treatment of periodontal disease begins with the removal of sub-gingival calculus (tartar) and biofilm deposits. A dental hygienist procedure called scalling and root planning is the common first step in addressing periodontal problems, which seeks to remove calculus by mechanically scraping it from tooth surfaces.
Dental calculus, commonly known as tartar, consists almost entirely of calcium phosphate salt, the ionic derivative of calcium phosphate (the primary composition of teeth and bone). Dental calculus deposits harbor harmful bacteria. Clinically, calculus stuck to teeth appears to be hardened to the point requiring mechanical scraping for removal.
The bacteria responsible for most periodontal disease are anaerobic, and oxygenation reduces populations. Thorough brushing with dilute hydrogen peroxide, with emphasis on the gum line, and flossing, help prevent the formation of harmful biofilm, gingivitis, and tartar. Therapeutic mechanical delivery of H2O2 to subgingival pockets can be provided by a water pick. Wound "healing following gingival surgery was enhanced due to the antimicrobial effects of topically administered hydrogen peroxide". For most subjects, beneficial effects were seen with H2O2 levels above 1% though concentrations between 1% and 3% have been suggested, and commercial preparations contain 1.5% hydrogen peroxide.
Enzymatic agents found in commercial preparations can loosen, dissolve, and prevent biofilm formation. Beneficial agents include lysozyme, lactoperozidase, glucose oxidase, mutanase, and dextranase.
Another method for treatment of periodontal disease involve the use of an orally administered antibiotic, Periostat (Doxycycline). Periostat has been clinically proven to decrease alveolar bone loss and improve the conditions of periodontal disease with minimal side-effects.
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Periodontal disease & Treatment
Permen Karet Bebas Gula Bahayakan Gigi
MENGUNYAH permen karet bebas gula ternyata memiliki efek buruk yang sama terhadap kesehatan gigi seperti halnya permen karet biasa, menurut para ahli.
Menurut penelitian, beberapa permen karet yang dikalim bebas gula bisa mengandung asam aditif, biasanya rasa buah, yang dapat menyerang enamel dan menimbulkan risiko tinggi merusak gigi, dari laporan Daily Express.
"Istilah bebas gula memang dapat menipu karena orang otomatis yakin produk tersebut aman untuk gigi. Masyarakat pun harus dididik tentang risiko tersembunyi ini," kata pemimpin studi Dr Sok-Ja Janket dari Boston University.
Namun, penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa mengunyah permen karet bebas gula setelah makan dapat mengurangi risiko pembusukan gigi sekitar 40 persen, terutama sekitar 20 menit setelah makan. Ini ketika serangan asam plak biasanya terjadi. Studi ini telah dipublikasikan dalam British Dental Journal edisi Oktober 2011.
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